Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't be Daunted by the Post Below

The post I just finished is quite long. However, I was experimenting with a different type of organization. Usually I try to segment sections under subheadings which I kind of did (Twitter, tweetdeck, seismic), but there were still chunks of text that were really long and boring to the eye. I know when I look at an uber long piece of text my motivation drops off a cliff! So, I tried pointing out key words or phrases of a given paragraph by putting them in bold. Hopefully this will aid the reader in skimming for information that is pertinent for them. Unfortunately, it also numbed the effect of the aforementioned subheadings, at least it did until I added hyperlinks to each heading.

I think if we all did this type of composing more (such as in textbooks! *cough*), readers, such as myself, would be more engaged and not have to read through the stuff they find boring or already know to get to the good stuff. I have also been told by a friend who has ADHD and dyslexia that sometimes text is easier to read when words are highlighted differently. Too bad this blog site doesn't allow me to put words into different colors!


  1. You can do words in different colors :) Just highlight what you want and there should be a color button. I'm pretty sure I've done it. Good luck with tweetdeck I'm still trying to get used to it.

  2. really? that would be awesome if it really does have color, but I'm not seeing it. The options I see are Bold, Italics, Strikethrough, insert link, insert image and blockquote. Maybe other blog sites offer color and this one does not?

  3. Highlight the text whose color you want to change, then click the "A" that is located in after the "strike-through" button.

    Hopefully that helps!

  4. There is no "A" after strike through, but I realized that I have been working out of the HTML window and that the Compose window has many more editing options. I didn't know that there was a difference between the two. Thanks for helping me become determined to figure out what was wrong.
